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Major media outlets once again ignore blockbuster corruption involving Hunter Biden, Chinese firm that purchased massive cobalt mining company ahead of electric vehicle push
By jdheyes // 2021-11-30
If you really want to know why Joe Biden is pushing so hard to transition Americans away from fossil fuel vehicles to electric cars and trucks, the answer is it has far less to do with 'the environment' than greed. People can argue the pros and cons of EVs and should -- there are definitely advantages and disadvantages to both gas-powered vehicles and those powered by batteries. But our domestic policies should not be made with an eye towards 1) empowering our biggest competitor; and 2) enriching our already wealthy elites. And yet, with his administration's deference to EVs, Joe Biden appears to have done both, but most Americans know nothing about it because, once again, the left-wing Democrat-protecting overlords at the major media outlets are refusing to cover this legitimate bombshell story, as Newsbusters reported this week: The apparent corruption of the Biden family runs deep, so deep that they’re mining cobalt. That’s according to a report by The New York Times which found a firm connected to Hunter Biden secured such a mine for the Chinese, at the same time his father, President Joe Biden, was now forcing the United States to switch over to electric cars. It’s the latest scandal exposing the web of foreign business deals the Biden’s [sic] commanded, but the broadcast networks yawned on Monday. Kudos to the Times for getting on the story; that in and of itself is remarkable given the paper's legendary deference to anything that Democrats do. But what's incredible this time is that while the Times, a very 'mainstream media' outlet, ran with the story, the paper's cohorts in the industry decided not to pick it up and run with it. “An investment firm where Hunter Biden, the president’s son, was a founding board member helped facilitate a Chinese company’s purchase from an American company of one of the world’s richest cobalt mines, located in the Democratic Republic of Congo,” reported Michael Forsythe, Eric Lipton and Dionne Searcey of The Times. The paper said that Hunter's company often struck deals to ensure Chinese state-owned firms in other countries got access to valuable mineral and mining contracts, which of course feeds China's national security while harming ours. The Times also warned that “China might use its growing dominance of cobalt to disrupt America’s retooling of its auto industry to make electric vehicles," adding: "The metal is among several key ingredients in electric car batteries." You think? The only major news outlet -- again -- to pick up on the Times report was Fox News, because it's the only one where Americans can reliably go to get this sort of game-changing information.

“We also have new information tonight about a scandal dating back to last year's presidential campaign. It concerns Hunter Biden, an investment deal with the Chinese state-backed company, and what newly uncovered records indicate,” said "Special Report" anchor Bret Baier at the top of the segment.

Fox News' national correspondent, William La Jeunesse, also noted:

Hunter Biden flew with his father, then vice president, to China in 2013. At the time the media thoughts it was no big deal, and six years later neither did Joe. ... Ten days after that trip, Hunter formed Bohai Harvest Investments a private equity fund that, according to The New York Times, later helped a Chinese company acquire a cobalt mine in the Congo in central Africa. Why does it matter? Cobalt is a scarce metal, essential for electric car batteries. “In 2016, at the time of the purchase, the Obama-Biden White House provided $4.5 billion to help power electric cars and today President Biden wants to go entirely electric making manufacturers dependent on the very cobalt mines his son helped sell to the Chinese,” he added. In March 2017, NBC Nightly News covered the story of liberal owners of a Washington, D.C., wine bar who filed suit against then-President Donald Trump for allegedly violating the Constitutions' emoluments clause because of the Trump International Hotel. But when it comes to real corruption and presidential conflicts of interest, the network is completely silent now. Pathetic. Sources include: